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How To Spot a Fake Online Store in 6 Easy Steps

By Craig Johnson · Feb 29, 2024

Can You Tell a Fake Online Store From a Real One?

Consumer Action Center Director Lori Silverman says it’s easy to get scammed while shopping online. It happened to her.

“Looking back, there were a lot of red flags,” she says. “I was on the original site when shopping, but when I decided to quickly purchase the items, I ended up on the fake site.”

Here’s how Lori discovered it was a scam: “Several days passed after I received the email that the package was on its way, so I contacted the company and gave them my tracking number. They then informed me that this is not one of their tracking numbers and that I must have purchased from a fake site.”

Here’s how she was able to get her money back: “I then contacted American Express and disputed the charge. The charge was to PayPal, and American Express informed me I could dispute with PayPal instead if I wanted. I chose to continue the dispute with Amex. While the charge was in dispute, Amex credited my account.”

So what can you do to avoid a scam online retailer in the first place? The steps I’ll share here come from my research as well as advice from money expert Clark Howard.

How To Spot a Fake Online Store in 6 Easy Steps

Written by Craig Johnson | February 29th, 2024

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Online shopping can be a convenience and a curse. If you happen to interact with a fake online store, you could end up being swindled and victimized by identity theft.

In this article, I’m going to show you some easy steps you can take to confirm that the site you’re visiting is legit — before you click “Buy now.”

Can You Tell a Fake Online Store From a Real One?

Consumer Action Center Director Lori Silverman says it’s easy to get scammed while shopping online. It happened to her.

“Looking back, there were a lot of red flags,” she says. “I was on the original site when shopping, but when I decided to quickly purchase the items, I ended up on the fake site.”

Here’s how Lori discovered it was a scam: “Several days passed after I received the email that the package was on its way, so I contacted the company and gave them my tracking number. They then informed me that this is not one of their tracking numbers and that I must have purchased from a fake site.”

Here’s how she was able to get her money back: “I then contacted American Express and disputed the charge. The charge was to PayPal, and American Express informed me I could dispute with PayPal instead if I wanted. I chose to continue the dispute with Amex. While the charge was in dispute, Amex credited my account.”

So what can you do to avoid a scam online retailer in the first place? The steps I’ll share here come from my research as well as advice from money expert Clark Howard.

Here Are 6 Steps To Spot a Fake Online Store

1. Study the URL Closely

How to spot a fake online store in 4 easy steps

Some fraudulent sites have URLs that look just like those of legitimate websites — at first glance. Before you enter any of your personal information, take time to study the URL.

If you used a search engine to get to the site, look in the address bar to confirm that you’ve landed on the webpage you wanted.

Clark suggests that you type in the URL yourself and then make sure to check for spelling errors. Some cybercriminals set up sites just one letter off from real sites, hoping you’ll mistype the URL.

How To Spot a Fake Online Store in 6 Easy Steps

Written by Craig Johnson | February 29th, 2024

Why You Can Trust


Trusted source for financial advice for more than 30 years.

Never paid to promote anything. Never influenced by commissions.

Real people who are ready to serve you.

To support our work, we do make money from some links to companies and deals on our site. Learn more about our guarantee here.



Online shopping can be a convenience and a curse. If you happen to interact with a fake online store, you could end up being swindled and victimized by identity theft.

In this article, I’m going to show you some easy steps you can take to confirm that the site you’re visiting is legit — before you click “Buy now.”

Can You Tell a Fake Online Store From a Real One?

Consumer Action Center Director Lori Silverman says it’s easy to get scammed while shopping online. It happened to her.

“Looking back, there were a lot of red flags,” she says. “I was on the original site when shopping, but when I decided to quickly purchase the items, I ended up on the fake site.”

Here’s how Lori discovered it was a scam: “Several days passed after I received the email that the package was on its way, so I contacted the company and gave them my tracking number. They then informed me that this is not one of their tracking numbers and that I must have purchased from a fake site.”

Here’s how she was able to get her money back: “I then contacted American Express and disputed the charge. The charge was to PayPal, and American Express informed me I could dispute with PayPal instead if I wanted. I chose to continue the dispute with Amex. While the charge was in dispute, Amex credited my account.”

So what can you do to avoid a scam online retailer in the first place? The steps I’ll share here come from my research as well as advice from money expert Clark Howard.

Here Are 6 Steps To Spot a Fake Online Store

1. Study the URL Closely

How to spot a fake online store in 4 easy steps

Some fraudulent sites have URLs that look just like those of legitimate websites — at first glance. Before you enter any of your personal information, take time to study the URL.

If you used a search engine to get to the site, look in the address bar to confirm that you’ve landed on the webpage you wanted.

Clark suggests that you type in the URL yourself and then make sure to check for spelling errors. Some cybercriminals set up sites just one letter off from real sites, hoping you’ll mistype the URL.

2. Click on the Padlock Icon in the Address Bar address bar

In addition to studying the URL, look for a padlock icon in the address bar. If you click on it, a dropdown box will provide security information about the site including:

  • Whether the security certificate is valid
  • The number of cookies in use
  • Other site settings

A padlock icon in the address bar generally signifies that the site has been verified as secure.

This isn’t foolproof: Some bogus sites have been able to replicate the padlock icon. It’s also true that, even if a site is deemed secure, it can still get hacked.

3. Use a Website Checker

You can check the legitimacy of any website by using online verification services:

  • Go to and enter the website’s URL into the bar. After that, you can see all kinds of details about the site. generates a report and runs the website through multiple lists to see if any warning signs pop up.
  • Go to Google Transparency Report, which can tell you how safe a website is. Once you’re on the homepage, just enter the URL in the “Check site status” box and hit the Return key

How To Spot a Fake Online Store in 6 Easy Steps

Written by Craig Johnson | February 29th, 2024

Why You Can Trust


Trusted source for financial advice for more than 30 years.

Never paid to promote anything. Never influenced by commissions.

Real people who are ready to serve you.

To support our work, we do make money from some links to companies and deals on our site. Learn more about our guarantee here.



Online shopping can be a convenience and a curse. If you happen to interact with a fake online store, you could end up being swindled and victimized by identity theft.

In this article, I’m going to show you some easy steps you can take to confirm that the site you’re visiting is legit — before you click “Buy now.”

Can You Tell a Fake Online Store From a Real One?

Consumer Action Center Director Lori Silverman says it’s easy to get scammed while shopping online. It happened to her.

“Looking back, there were a lot of red flags,” she says. “I was on the original site when shopping, but when I decided to quickly purchase the items, I ended up on the fake site.”

Here’s how Lori discovered it was a scam: “Several days passed after I received the email that the package was on its way, so I contacted the company and gave them my tracking number. They then informed me that this is not one of their tracking numbers and that I must have purchased from a fake site.”

Here’s how she was able to get her money back: “I then contacted American Express and disputed the charge. The charge was to PayPal, and American Express informed me I could dispute with PayPal instead if I wanted. I chose to continue the dispute with Amex. While the charge was in dispute, Amex credited my account.”

So what can you do to avoid a scam online retailer in the first place? The steps I’ll share here come from my research as well as advice from money expert Clark Howard.

Here Are 6 Steps To Spot a Fake Online Store

1. Study the URL Closely

How to spot a fake online store in 4 easy steps

Some fraudulent sites have URLs that look just like those of legitimate websites — at first glance. Before you enter any of your personal information, take time to study the URL.

If you used a search engine to get to the site, look in the address bar to confirm that you’ve landed on the webpage you wanted.

Clark suggests that you type in the URL yourself and then make sure to check for spelling errors. Some cybercriminals set up sites just one letter off from real sites, hoping you’ll mistype the URL.

2. Click on the Padlock Icon in the Address Bar address bar

In addition to studying the URL, look for a padlock icon in the address bar. If you click on it, a dropdown box will provide security information about the site including:



  • Whether the security certificate is valid
  • The number of cookies in use
  • Other site settings

A padlock icon in the address bar generally signifies that the site has been verified as secure.

This isn’t foolproof: Some bogus sites have been able to replicate the padlock icon. It’s also true that, even if a site is deemed secure, it can still get hacked.

3. Use a Website Checker

You can check the legitimacy of any website by using online verification services:

  • Go to and enter the website’s URL into the bar. After that, you can see all kinds of details about the site. generates a report and runs the website through multiple lists to see if any warning signs pop up.
  • Go to Google Transparency Report, which can tell you how safe a website is. Once you’re on the homepage, just enter the URL in the “Check site status” box and hit the Return key.

4. Rely on Your Browser

How to spot a fake online store in 4 easy steps

If you keep your browser updated and have antivirus software on your computer, it should tell you when you’ve run across an unsafe site.

If you see a “Not Secure” warning on your screen, back out of the site or close the page.

5. Look for a Trust Seal

How to spot a fake online store in 4 easy stepsWhether it’s from the Better Business Bureau, PayPal or Google, trust seals tell users that they can make secure transactions.

It must be said, though, that you should never trust a website simply based on a site seal or badge alone. If you haven’t used the site before, always research it well before you enter your personal information.

6. Read the Reviews

Trustpilot review site

Another great way to tell whether a website is legitimate or not is to read reviews from multiple sources. Trustpilot is a review site that lets you see what real customers have to say about websites, products and services.

The site also features a business transparency page that can tell you more about the online vendor you plan to patronize.

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